Photon SDK

Seedless Wallet Toolbox

What is Photon SDK?

Photon is a collection of open source components designed to make building bitcoin wallets and non-custodial financial apps easier and more secure. App developers can build compelling seedless user experiences using encrypted cloud backup and multi-sig. The SDK is targeted towards react native apps, but native libraries for iOS and Android are planned as well (see the roadmap below).

What's included?

Photon SDK is fully open source on GitHub. It includes three primary components:

  1. photon-keyserver: stores high entropy encryption keys and provides server side security such as rate limited PIN authentication

  2. photon-lib: a React Native client module that can be integrated into any wallet application

  3. photon-app: a demo React Native application that documents how these components work together in a final product

Learn more

You can read more about Photon SDK, its design decisions, and tradeoffs in the Advancing Bitcoin blog post.

Open Source Components

Photon Key Server

For more information on the key server please read here.

Photon Key Server

Please review the key server api page for documentation how to use the REST api.

Key Server API

Photon Lib

Photon lib is a high level library for building bitcoin wallets with react native. You can lean more about the library and how to get started here.

Photon Lib

Demo App

You can try the demo app that showcases the seedless wallet UX that Photon enables.

Demo App



The Photon SDK roadmap is public here. Feel free to suggest new features in respective GitHub repository issues or start contributing.

Join the community Discord

Our Discord channel is available if you have any questions about using or contributing to photon.

Last updated